Our Work

Below is a Brand Story Film we created for AMOS. The goal of this Brand Story Film was to familiarize potential new patients with more All on 4 cases. In this Brand Story Film we hear from the doctors at AMOS and patients who have successfully completed on All on 4 procedures.

Below is a Brand Story Film we created for Elevate, but the unique part of this Brand Film was the angle we covered. We wanted to hear from one of Elevate’s partners, but more in the context of how Elevate has helped him enjoy it life outside the practice.

Below is a Docu-Style Patient Testimonial we created for AMOS. Docu-Style Patient Testimonials like these are extremely effective at familiarizing potential new patients with procedures that may be more involved like All on 4 cases, or implant procedures. The purpose of this Docu-Style Testimonial was to build awareness around All on 4 cases and allow potential new patients to form emotional connections with how their life could look after they do an All on 4.

Below is a the flagship Brand Story Film we created for Elevate Dental Partners. The purpose of this Brand Story Film was to tell Elevate’s story, articulate how Elevate was different from the status quo of “corporate dentistry” and shed light on the unique ways they provide support to their partners.

Below is a 60 Second Commercial we created for Elevate Dental Partners. In this commercial we wanted to create a contrast between a Dr. who is “going at it alone” and is experiencing an imbalance between his work and life versus a Dr. who has chosen to partner with Elevate and now has the support of a larger organization and can “find balance again.”

Below is a Service Explainer Video we created for Denver Sports Recovery. In this video we dive deep into the modality of dry needling and how it can help Denver Sports Recovery’s patients accelerate their recovery.

Below is a Brand Story Film we created for Denver Sports Recovery. The purpose of this Brand Story Film was to make it abundantly clear what Denver Sports Recovery offered to their patients, how they can get started and what makes them different from the other businesses in this space.

Below is a Testimonial Video we created for Elevate Dental Partners. You can take a variety of angles with testimonials, but for this project our goal was to talk to partner staff of Elevate Dental Partners and learn about the ways this partnership has helped make their lives easier.

Below is a Brand Story Film we created for Dr. Nor Jobarah. Dr. Nor is an Atlas Orthogonal Chiropractor and the purpose of this Brand Story Film was to shed more light on what an orthogonal chiropractor does and how they are different from a “regular” chiropractor. Often times, patients don’t understand the nuances of the modalities you offer inside your practice and you get grouped into the other “chiropractor” in your field - the truth is, you are different and it’s crucial to utilize content and a Brand Story Film to articulate why that is.

Below is a Testimonial Video we created for Elevate Dental Partners. We had a chance to sit down with Dr. Duru one of Elevate’s partner Dr.’s and talked with her about how Elevate has helped make her life easier not only as a practice owner, but also as a mother of 3.

Below is a video called “How We’re Different.” When we are working closely with a company and tailoring our marketing strategy, at times we realize there is a certain aspect of the business we need to shed more light on. For Elevate, we felt that we needed to further articulate what made them different from the status quo of “corporate dentistry” since historically, it has very negative connotations.

Let’s tell your story.